Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Okay so as this being my first post I decided to share something that turned out to be really special to me....I had the craziest experience. I was resting before having to go baby-sit, so I closed my eyes and for what felt like a few seconds ans I had a dream. So in this dream I saw a cloudy sky it was kinda pink and it felt like the sun was setting.. I have never had a dream that felt like this so I was very curious to what was going on... I felt aware like i was awake but was still stuck in this dream world. Okay so what happened next was what really crazy. I watched a hand come out of the sky.. it was a mans hand and it didn't take long for me to realize that it was my Pop's hand. The hand reached out towards me and I couldn't believe it. I tried a couple of times and finally got my hand to go up and reach for his. I don't remember ever touching fingers but then he had me in a hug. I could feel his hands, I could see his pearl snaps like on the shirts he would wear but then I tried to smell, it was like all my senses were extremely alive and vivid exept for my smell. Then as quickly as it had all came it was gone. I couldn't believe it. The past months since his passing have been hard.... on everyone but this was like him giving one of his famous hugs and saying "it's gonna be alright, i'm here. It's gonna be okay".  I am thankful for what that dream has done for me....    just thought i'd share..